Join the Atomic Travels Newsletter

If you’re new here — HELLO. I’m Atom, the introspective traveler behind this newsletter.

I love to write, and I love to reflect. I journal in the morning, I journal at night, I journal to end the week, and I journal to end the month. I journal whether or not I travel, but I’ve noticed my notes are wilder and more profound when I’m on the road.

I love talking about what I learn too, but the social contexts I often find myself in rarely call for the introspective, reflective, and deeply personal notes that go into my journals. Instead, most situations are only interested in the “best” beach or the “most underrated” province. There’s nothing wrong with this; I like talking about them too. They’re just different conversations, and I badly want both.

So I’m putting this newsletter out for the one, two, or three of you introspective, reflective, and deeply personal types who want to see underneath my Instagram pictures and reels, which are not only after the top 10 destinations of the Philippines but also the top 10 ways travel can change you.

See you there!
~ Atom

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Anecdotes, reflections, and tips


Writing for the sake of travel, traveling for the sake of travel